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A: Seoul Clinical Laboratories, Medical Science Institute; Dec 2015.
​Whole blood: Platelets = 193 x103/μL; RBC = 4,65 x106/μL; WBC = 4,5 x103/μL. GF Expression (pg/μL): FGF = 59, PDGF = 674, VEGF = 24, TGF-ß1 = 20.878, TGF-ß2 = 2.870, TGF-ß3 = 1.509
B: Ajou University Hospital.
Whole blood: Platelets = 213 x103/μL

Clinical Application Experience
Using Maxxi PRP Plasma Products together with other therapeutic options is considered more effective than single modality therapy.
The co-application provides numerous advantages with a simple, cost effective, autologous, safe method
with improved synergistic effects.
Mesotherapy Plus
Consists of Micro Needling and Maxxi PRP as a combi-nationtherapy exemplifying the stimulation of new collagen synthesis and cell formation exactly where it is needed, right at the dermal layer.
Hyaluronic Acid
The combination of HA and Maxxi PRPcombines the hydration effects of HA bio-polymer with the stimulative properties of PRP. HA acts as a temporary dermal substitute while PRP stimulates surrounding cells. The 3D scaffolds are then colonized by fibroblasts to promote an ordered reconstruction of the dermal tissue.
​Graftenriched with Maxxi PRP provides a solution to boost stem cell survival, supports proliferation and differentiation, and enhances graft survival.
Collagen is a natural platelet activator which can increase average growth factor release. When combined with Maxxi PRPand injected into the skin, it acts as a matrix that promotes activation, collagen growth, while regenerating tissue.

100% Customizable
dial-in the cell composition you require
100% Natural
utilizes autologous blood
100% Volume Control
dial-in the volume you require
single use closed system
rapid point of care processing
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